Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015

From iWiki

The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 is a significant piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that encompasses a wide range of provisions related to criminal justice, courts, and the legal system. Enacted on 26 March 2015, this Act introduced various reforms aimed at improving the criminal justice system, enhancing the effectiveness of court proceedings, and addressing specific offences and penalties. This wiki page provides an overview of the key provisions, offences, and penalties under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015.

Key Provisions

The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 covers a variety of legal areas, including criminal justice, courts, and procedures. Some of the key provisions of the Act include:

1. Custodial Sentences for Dangerous Offenders

The Act introduces provisions for extended determinate custodial sentences for certain dangerous offenders. This ensures that those who pose a significant risk to the public can be detained for longer periods.

2. Secure Colleges

The Act provides for the establishment of secure colleges to accommodate young offenders. These institutions focus on education and rehabilitation to reduce reoffending.

3. Changes to Bail

The Act amends the rules and procedures for granting bail, including provisions to impose electronic monitoring on individuals released on bail.

4. Secure College Rules

The Act sets out the framework for rules and regulations governing secure colleges, including matters related to management, education, and welfare of young offenders.

5. Video-Recorded Cross-Examination

The Act introduces video-recorded cross-examination for vulnerable witnesses in certain criminal proceedings to improve their experience and ensure fair trials.

6. New Offences and Penalties

The Act introduces several new offences and penalties to address emerging challenges and issues in the criminal justice system.

Notable Offences and Penalties

1. Offences of Controlling or Coercive Behaviour in an Intimate or Family Relationship

The Act creates an offence of controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship, recognizing the significance of emotional and psychological abuse.

2. Revenge Pornography

The Act introduces the offence of disclosing private sexual photographs and films with the intent to cause distress, further addressing issues related to privacy and technology.

3. New Measures for Dealing with Offenders

The Act includes provisions for new measures to address offences, such as community orders and financial penalties.

4. Corrupt or Other Improper Exercise of Police Powers and Privileges

The Act introduces offences related to the corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges, enhancing accountability within law enforcement.


Penalties under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 vary depending on the specific offence. They may include fines, custodial sentences, community orders, or other measures aimed at addressing the nature and severity of the offence committed.


The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 represents a significant step toward enhancing the criminal justice system, promoting fairness, and addressing various offences within the legal framework of the United Kingdom. By introducing new offences, penalties, and procedural reforms, the Act contributes to the ongoing evolution of the nation's legal landscape.