Peggy (Ventrilo Harassment)
Peggy found herself subjected to persistent harassment from Duke Nukem while she was immersed in her Ventrilo server, engaging in the world of Lord of the Rings Online. Despite Duke's continuous disruptions, it was only after enduring a barrage of profanity and profoundly aggressive threats that Peggy finally snapped. In a moment of heated frustration, she unleashed a torrent of explicit language and extreme violent promises. Astonishingly, this outburst failed to deter Duke from his antics and, if anything, seemed to embolden his actions. Peggy's emotional state appeared to teeter on the edge, as she referenced experiencing unsettling sensations and voiced panic over getting "chills again," indicative of a potential mental unravelling.
Subsequently, Peggy was equipped with her own victim soundboard, which has been employed in numerous prank calls and used to further her ventrilo harassment. Often referred to as "Lady Death," this nickname reflects her tendency to issue death threats, akin to the comic book character sharing the same name.
A second instance of harassment ensued, this time with the prankster utilising his real voice. During this episode, Peggy was insulted as she was erroneously labelled a "spic," with her accent being misinterpreted as Hispanic (despite its closer resemblance to a New York accent). Unfortunately, the interaction largely overshadowed Peggy's ability to communicate, with the prankster frequently cutting her off and preventing a more extended exchange. Regrettably, this second harassment incident pales in comparison to the initial one, generally lacking the humour that characterised the first encounter.