SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

From iWiki

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimisation, is the practice of improving a website's visibility and organic (non-paid) ranking in search engine results pages. It encompasses a range of strategies and techniques aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of website traffic from search engines. SEO plays a crucial role in driving targeted organic traffic, improving online visibility, and ultimately, achieving higher rankings and better user experience.


The concept of SEO emerged in the mid-1990s when search engines like Yahoo! and AltaVista began cataloguing the web's content. As the number of websites grew exponentially, website owners realised the need to optimise their websites for search engines to attract more visitors. Over the years, search engines evolved, algorithms became more sophisticated, and SEO practices adapted accordingly to keep up with the changing landscape of search.

Objectives of SEO

The primary objectives of SEO are:

  1. Increased Visibility: SEO aims to improve a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), ensuring it appears prominently when users search for relevant keywords or phrases.
  2. Traffic Growth: By optimising a website's ranking in search results, SEO helps drive organic traffic to the site, resulting in increased visits and potential conversions.
  3. Relevance: SEO involves optimising website content and structure to ensure its relevance to target keywords and user search queries. This helps search engines understand the website's purpose and better match it with relevant searches.
  4. User Experience: SEO emphasises creating a positive user experience by optimising website load speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall usability. Enhanced user experience leads to longer visit durations, lower bounce rates, and increased user satisfaction.

SEO Techniques

SEO employs various techniques to improve a website's visibility and ranking. Some common techniques include:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying and targeting relevant keywords that users are likely to search for when looking for specific information or products/services.
  • On-Page Optimisation: Optimising website elements such as meta tags, headings, URLs, and content to make them search engine-friendly and relevant to target keywords.
  • Link Building: Acquiring high-quality inbound links from other websites, which serve as endorsements and signals of the website's authority and relevance.
  • Technical SEO: Optimising the technical aspects of a website, such as site structure, crawlability, indexing, and site speed, to improve search engine accessibility and user experience.
  • Content Creation: Developing high-quality, informative, and engaging content that satisfies user intent and provides value to visitors. This includes text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements.
  • Local SEO: Optimising a website for local search, targeting location-specific keywords and optimising business listings on local directories.

SEO and Search Engine Algorithms

Search engines, such as Google, use complex algorithms to determine the ranking of web pages in search results. These algorithms consider numerous factors, including relevance, authority, user experience, and trustworthiness, to provide the most relevant and valuable results to users. SEO professionals and website owners continually adapt their strategies to align with the ever-evolving algorithms.

SEO Tools and Resources

Numerous tools and resources are available to assist in implementing and managing SEO strategies effectively:

  • Keyword Research Tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer help identify relevant keywords and provide data on search volume and competition.
  • SEO Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide insights into website traffic, user behavior, and search performance.
  • Technical SEO Tools: Tools like Screaming Frog, Google PageSpeed Insights, and GTmetrix help identify and resolve technical issues that impact website performance and search engine visibility.
  • Link Building Tools: Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and Majestic help analyse and track backlinks, identify link building opportunities, and monitor competitor link profiles.
  • SEO Blogs and Communities: Online resources like Moz Blog, Search Engine Journal, and SEO communities such as Reddit's r/SEO provide valuable insights, tips, and industry updates.

This is an overview of SEO, its objectives, techniques, and the tools available to support its implementation. By implementing effective SEO strategies and staying up-to-date with best practices and algorithm changes, website owners and SEO professionals can optimise their online presence and achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages, ultimately driving more targeted traffic and achieving their business goals.