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Stonehenge is an iconic prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a unique arrangement of large standing stones, known as megaliths, set within earthworks. This wiki page provides an overview of Stonehenge, including its history, significance, construction, and ongoing mysteries.


Stonehenge is estimated to have been constructed between 3000 BCE and 2000 BCE, during the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. The monument has evolved over time, with its construction occurring in multiple phases. The earliest phase involved the digging of a circular ditch and bank, known as the henge, which encloses the monument. The megaliths were then erected, arranged in various configurations.

Significance and Purpose

The exact purpose of Stonehenge remains a subject of debate and speculation among archaeologists, historians, and researchers. Several theories have been proposed, suggesting that Stonehenge served as a burial site, an astronomical observatory, a place of religious or ceremonial rituals, or a symbol of ancient power and authority. It is likely that Stonehenge had multiple functions and held different meanings for the communities that built and used it.

Construction and Design

Stonehenge consists of two primary types of stones: the larger sarsen stones, which form the outer circle and trilithons (two vertical stones with a horizontal lintel), and the smaller bluestones, which form an inner circle and horseshoe shape. The stones were transported over significant distances, and the methods used for their transportation and erection continue to be a subject of study and fascination.

Ongoing Mysteries and Interpretations

Stonehenge continues to captivate the imagination of people worldwide due to its enigmatic nature and mysterious origins. Various aspects of Stonehenge, such as the precise techniques used in its construction, the alignment of the stones with celestial events, and the significance of the bluestones from Wales, pose intriguing questions that continue to be explored by researchers and archaeologists. Ongoing studies, excavations, and advanced scientific techniques contribute to our understanding of this ancient monument.

Preservation and Visitor Experience

Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts visitors from around the world. Efforts have been made to preserve and protect the monument, including the implementation of visitor facilities and regulations to minimize potential damage. Visitors can experience Stonehenge from designated viewing areas and explore the visitor centre to learn more about the monument's history, theories, and ongoing research.