Resident Evil 4

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"Resident Evil 4" is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Capcom. Released in 2005, it marks a significant departure from the traditional survival horror formula of the previous "Resident Evil" games. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, intense action sequences, and immersive storyline, "Resident Evil 4" is widely regarded as one of the greatest video games of all time. This wiki page provides an overview of "Resident Evil 4," including its gameplay, storyline, and impact on the gaming industry.


"Resident Evil 4" revolutionized the "Resident Evil" series by introducing a more action-oriented gameplay style. Players control the protagonist, Leon S. Kennedy, as he embarks on a mission to rescue the President's daughter, Ashley Graham, from a mysterious cult in a rural European village. The gameplay features over-the-shoulder third-person shooting, granting players greater control and precision in combat.

The game combines intense action sequences with exploration and puzzle-solving elements. Players encounter a variety of enemies, including infected villagers and grotesque creatures, requiring strategic use of weapons and resources. The game introduces the "Las Plagas" parasitic organisms, which enhance enemy abilities and pose new challenges.

"Resident Evil 4" also features a dynamic inventory system, allowing players to manage and upgrade weapons, collect valuable treasures, and interact with non-playable characters. The game incorporates quick-time events (QTEs), requiring timely button presses to perform critical actions or avoid hazards.


Set six years after the events of "Resident Evil 2," the game follows Leon S. Kennedy as he investigates the disappearance of the President's daughter. His search leads him to a rural village in Europe, controlled by a cult known as "Los Illuminados." Leon soon discovers that the cult has unleashed a new threat—a parasitic organism called "Las Plagas." As Leon unravels the mysteries surrounding the cult and its leaders, he faces dangerous adversaries and uncovers a global conspiracy.

The storyline of "Resident Evil 4" delves deeper into the lore of the series while maintaining a fast-paced and engaging narrative. It explores themes of corruption, bio-terrorism, and the moral dilemmas faced by the protagonist.

Impact and Legacy

"Resident Evil 4" is considered a landmark title that redefined the action-adventure and survival horror genres. It received widespread critical acclaim for its innovative gameplay mechanics, compelling storyline, and cinematic presentation. The game's success prompted a shift in the industry, influencing subsequent games by introducing over-the-shoulder camera perspectives and more dynamic action-oriented gameplay.

"Resident Evil 4" has been widely ported and re-released on various platforms, including high-definition remasters for modern consoles. It has also inspired a wide range of media adaptations, including films, novels, and merchandise.

The game's legacy extends beyond its critical and commercial success. It has often been included in lists of the greatest video games of all time and continues to be celebrated for its influential impact on the gaming industry.